

  1. Energy Tribune
  3. Energy Tomorrow
  4. Texas Public Policy Foundation
  5. Patriot Post
  6. Junk Science
  7. Foundation For Economic Education
  8. Citizens’ Alliance for Responsible Energy
  9. National Center for Policy Analysis
  10. Americans for Tax Reform


  1. The Law – Frederick Bastiat
  2. Essentials of Economics by Faustino Ballve
  3. Economic Policy by Ludwig von Mises
  4. Gusher of Lies – Robert Boyce
  5. Forgotten Man – Amity Shlaes
  6. The Road to Serfdom by F. A. Hayek
  7. How Shall We Then Live” by Francis A. Schaeffer
  8. Tyranny and Liberty – Mark Levin
  9. Free to Choose – Milton Friedman
  10. In Search of Self-Governance, Scott Rasmussen